STARTS PRIZE’18 – Nomination
For many decades, Gaza has been subjected to extreme situations: three wars in 6 years and under siege for 10 years. This has led to a product and material shortage—especially of construction materials—in the Gaza strip, where construction demand is annually increasing. Simultaneously, ineffective environmental protection policies in industry are having a major environmental impact. One of the major causes of this environmental catastrophe is coal combustion, which results in huge amounts of ash being disposed of in an environmentally-unfriendly way, and Gaza has more than 6 tons/week of ash!

GreenCake Blocks are made out of existing raw materials: ash and rubble from the demolished houses in Gaza, instead of importing building materials (sand and aggregate) from outside. People can rebuild their houses from existing raw materials as self-sufficient communities.
GreenCake Blocks are high-quality, low-cost, and environmentally friendly bricks.
Supported by:
Award of Japan Gaza Innovation Challenge 2017,
Emirates Energy Award 2017,
Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign 2017,
Women entrepreneurs in Palestine award – Bank of Palestine 2017,
Sponsorship by JM corporation in Tokyo 2017,
Finalist of Index Award 2017,
Islamic University of Gaza startup funds 2016,
Semi Finalist of MIT Arab Forum 2016