Everyone and everyone can take part - here you can register for the competition to compete with your robot! Registration is only required for participants, everyone is allowed to watch!
For a participation at Hebocon in POSTCITY a short registration is requested:
Register at Eventbrite
According to Japanese tradition, a Hebocon is a sumo fight for low-tech robots and a wrestling match of the technical dilletans. What does that mean? The word Hebocon is derived from the Japanese word Heboi – a word that describes something that is technically poor or of low quality.

A Hebocon is a competition in which bad, simple robots, most of which can hardly move, come together on the battlefield and plunge into strange, funny fights. A Hebocon celebrates Heboiness, mistakes and the people behind them. It’s all about fun – learning, thinking and building creatively and watching the robots fight each other together.

The rules are:
- Two robots face each other and are released from each other – they fight for a minute, they win, who pushes the other out of the ring, knocks over or who moves more.
- At the end the Princess of Points, the Bastard of Battles and the darling of the audience – the Heboic Hero – triumph.
- All robots that can move – but may not weigh more than 1 kg or be larger than 50×50 cm.
- All robots are beautiful – everything is possible, we celebrate the Heboiness of every single robot!
- The higher the built-in technology (controller, sensors, etc.), the higher the score deductions – the more creative, silly and funnier the robot, the more success.
- Hebocon Description and here the official rules.
Within the Open Lab of Jugend Hackt (DE/AT) visitors can build their own robot for the Hebocon (THU Sept. 6 2018 to SUN Sept. 9, 2018, daily 10 AM-7:30 PM in the u19 CREATE YOUR WORLD area in the POSTCITY). Please take fun toys and handicrafts with you to create a unique robot for the competition!