2018 / kinetic sound installation
DSD-08AS is an electromechanical kinetic sound installation.
24 modules – each consists of two solenoids, a metal rail and a metal ball – build a self-triggering system, where the metal ball functions as a conductor between the rail and the solenoids. The ball closes the circuit and electricity is applied to the solenoid, which instantly pushes the ball back to the opposite side, thereby cutting the electric flow. This results in an interplay between the two solenoids and multiple loops with different time delays. Soon after initially applying electricity to the installation, the resulting rhythm of solenoid bolts hitting metal balls starts shifting and recreates itself over and over again in endless possibilities. There are several factors influencing the sound beside the mechanical inaccuracy of the solenoids – the friction of the balls on the rails, the characteristics of the wall the installation is mounted on, the size of the space and the position of the spectator. At the end of a cycle the electricity gets cut and the balls rest in their final position, leaving the spectator in a silent space where slowly the atmosphere sound fades in.

As in my previous works, I have been experimenting with unconventional ways of producing sound by using devices and tools made for a different purposes. In this installation, these objects become new devices to produce unpredictable results.