
Queensland University of Technology (AU)

Klangschlange is a roaming performance that activates unsuspecting crowds in queues. Performers permeate these sites with playful responsive objects that invite audiences to become co-producers in a spontaneous performance.

Soundline/Queensland University of Technology (AU), Credit: QUT CreativeLab
Soundline/Queensland University of Technology (AU), Credit: QUT CreativeLab

Klangschlange is a playful, social sonic intervention investigating future entertainment and technologies to facilitate a state of group Flow.


Undergraduate Bachelor of Creative Industries:
Romaine Quessaud (FRA).

Bachelor of Entertainment Industries:
Patrick Cenita (AU).

Undergraduate Bachelor of Fine Arts:
Georgia Bradford (AU), Alexa Dewar (AU), Lily Douad (AU), James Dwyer (AU), Morgan Hill (AU), Erin O’Rourke (AU), Matilda Skelhorn (AU), Reina Takeuchi (AU).

Honours Bachelor of Design:
Cassidy Cloupet (AU), James Dwyer (AU), Tom Long, Steven O’Hanlon-Rose (AU), Rani Shanks, Jess Greentree (AU), Kathryn Harvey (AU), William Richardson-Davis (AU).

Jayden Grogan (AU) (Creative Practice/Dance).

Andy Ward (AU) (Creative Practice/Music).

External Advisor:
Murray King (AU) (Creative Technologist).

This project was developed in the framework of the Ars Electronica Futurelab Academy 2018
