The Winners and Honorable Mentions of the
Prix Ars Electronica 1995 - WWW Category
What do you think about the
Categories of Honorable Mentions
Finding categories was fun and revealing in itself about what the Web can
do. What is special about a netzine like Hotwired, that makes it really
different from just another support for a magazine ? How would an art
gallery present itself on-line to take advantage of user input and
interactivity ? How should an individual artist present herself or invite
the user to explore his work ? We were asked - but not obliged - to
arrive at a desirable number of twelve categories. This is approximately
by order of appearance the categories we settled on:
- Best Groupmindware
- Best Self-servers
- Best Community Watchdog Service
- Best Community Information Service
- Best Netzine
- Best Experimental/Experiential
- Cleverest Device
- Most Efficient and Useful
- Best Homepage/Display
- Best Adaptive Response to the market
- Virtual Id/entity creation
- Most Likely to be Censored Page
Developing Criteria for "Art on the Web"
Derrick de Kerckhove
McLuhan Program in Culture and Technology
University of Toronto
Please also check the jury site.
{back to prix page}
Responsible for the content: Thomas Riha
Realisation by LICON from
Ed Humenberger
last changed 21.April 95