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Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

In einer eMail vom 24.05.99 05:32:50 MEZ,  schreibt melinda@subtle.net:

<< Thema:	 Re: LIFESCIENCE: loss
 Datum:	24.05.99 05:32:50 MEZ
 From:	melinda@subtle.net (melinda rackham)
 To:	lifescience@aec.at
 >This seems important because it has to do, for instance, w/ something
 >like an online ethics, or rather an online bioethics - for example, how
 >is an ethical standard set up in something like CU-SeeMe or video chat?
 >Traditions of ethical theory in the West is usually based on the
 >presence of embodied subjects - but how does this translate into online
 >interaction? When I have students participate in CU-SeeMe or IRC chat in
 >class, there is always this kind of video game approach, where they
 >don't immediately relate to the other people online as real, embodied
 >subjects - so we're talking about speed but also distance...
  i think this stuff was investigated in flesh factor a few years ago..
 but yes the inversion of public /private, the fantasy beyound the terminal
 boundary are really important issues which i think ppl have generally only
 just begun to realise impact on thier lives. that the role play of scrren
 life reverberates into reality, that we arent as post modernly
 schizophrenic and comparmentalised as we would like to think,  that fluid
 identity is a bit of a playful myth, and that emotional boundary is
 essential. new forms of psychology are, im sure, in the making as we type
 to deal with cyberpersonality disorder.
 please excuse my terrible spelling
 melinda rackham
 _____________carrier is now in  pre.view release
 ________________beta only *may not work in all browsers*
 ________________________ http://www.subtle.net/carrier
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 Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 14:33:16 +1000
 To: lifescience@aec.at
 From: melinda rackham <melinda@subtle.net>
 Subject: Re: LIFESCIENCE: loss

  [ Part 2: "Included Message" ]

Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 14:33:16 +1000
From: melinda rackham <melinda@subtle.net>
To: lifescience@aec.at
Subject: Re: LIFESCIENCE: loss

>This seems important because it has to do, for instance, w/ something
>like an online ethics, or rather an online bioethics - for example, how
>is an ethical standard set up in something like CU-SeeMe or video chat?
>Traditions of ethical theory in the West is usually based on the
>presence of embodied subjects - but how does this translate into online
>interaction? When I have students participate in CU-SeeMe or IRC chat in
>class, there is always this kind of video game approach, where they
>don't immediately relate to the other people online as real, embodied
>subjects - so we're talking about speed but also distance...

 i think this stuff was investigated in flesh factor a few years ago..
but yes the inversion of public /private, the fantasy beyound the terminal
boundary are really important issues which i think ppl have generally only
just begun to realise impact on thier lives. that the role play of scrren
life reverberates into reality, that we arent as post modernly
schizophrenic and comparmentalised as we would like to think,  that fluid
identity is a bit of a playful myth, and that emotional boundary is
essential. new forms of psychology are, im sure, in the making as we type
to deal with cyberpersonality disorder.
please excuse my terrible spelling

melinda rackham
_____________carrier is now in  pre.view release
________________beta only *may not work in all browsers*
________________________ http://www.subtle.net/carrier

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