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LIFESCIENCE: biochemical engineering

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

   Here in the states , the high school shootings are making the news. the
two events in columbine colorado and conyers(?) atlanta have been fueling
the news with questions about gun control and culture..  What hasn't been
put into the forefront of discussion is the fact that 2 ofthe three shooters
were on mood altering drugs..  mood modifiers.. one on ridalin the other ona
form of prozac.
 and I won't be surprised that the third was also on a doctor prescribed
medication..  I'm imagining  a futurewhere all are on a prescribed
medication.. I also imaginethat there will be only two types of medication
that "naturally select " into the dominant cultural prescriptions. Proazc
and Viagra..

    I see the prozac people ( the ones depressed by sexual repression) being
pursued by the viagra people (those with less sexual repressions but with a
psychology that leaves them impotent). I see a new sort of breeding ground,,
where the Viagra people actively stalk the prozac people as they stuble
aroudin their bodiesthat are contraolled by there chemically coccooned minds.

    I see this as a new type of mating ritual and am wondering if anyone
could conjecture on the future implications of this engineered breeding scheme..

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