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Main IndexRe: LIFESCIENCE: biochemical engineering
--------------------------------------------------------- ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 99 LIFESCIENCE Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09 http://www.aec.at/lifescience --------------------------------------------------------- On 25-May-99, speer wrote: > I see the prozac people ( the ones depressed by sexual repression) being >pursued by the viagra people (those with less sexual repressions but with a >psychology that leaves them impotent). I see a new sort of breeding ground,, >where the Viagra people actively stalk the prozac people as they stuble >aroudin their bodiesthat are contraolled by there chemically coccooned minds. > I see this as a new type of mating ritual and am wondering if anyone >could conjecture on the future implications of this engineered breeding >scheme.. Sorry to dissapoint you speer -but you are too late! Early biological experiments carried out on an isolated island just off the West coast of Europe did in fact rapidly lead to a bizaare form of life now popularly known as "The English" (apparently a corruption of "Angles" -because they had beautifully bent hair). Unfortunately, all the "Viagra" people soon died of heart-disease (and possibly other stress related problems) while the "Prozac" people just sat around drinking tea and praising God for liberating them from those disgusting and savage "others". Clearly, such events could not remain without impact on the rest of the world. The price of tea went through the roof -and in order to pay for it (without actually working, which was clearly "out of the question") the English were forced to raise taxes in America where they grew the Prozac. The Americans, who were all clean living people who had fled from Europe to escape the excesses of tea drinking became justly enraged by this new angle and threw all the tea in the country into the sea (which is why it is still the only country in the world surrounded by tea-drinking fish). As we all know, "an army marches on its stomach" (or if successful -on other peoples stomach) and so the Americans quickly became obsessed with finding a substitute for tea. After an unsuccessful attempt at drinking tobacco (which was found growing wild in the otherwise empty wilderness of the new country) the restless setlers moved on down south to Columbia and Guatamala in a desparate search for new refreshing drinks -which could be driven North along the old cattle trails of the early pioneers. However, by some trick of natural selection -the Americans (having all emigrated from Europe -on religious grounds) had become a society of "Viagra" people. Clearly, being deprived of suitable "Prozac" people generated tensions which no social system could ever survive. If the search for a substitute for tea was proving difficult -then the other problem was proving impossible. In yet another example of mother nature's creative powers, the two problems spontaniously fused and the Americans sub-conciously turned to the traditional solution for the sexually frustrated (arbitrary violence) in order to allieviate their discomforts. In the meantime, both countries (although now independant) have evolved a strange symbiotic relationship, without which probably niether would survive. -The rest, as they say "is history!". Of course the really puzzeling factor for Europeans -is how do the English and Americans manage to reproduce themselves, when normal channels are so obviously unacceptable to them. Those that know the English claim it has something to do with "birds and bees" -but others believe that such cross-fertilization between different species is biologically impossible. The role of a continuing influx of (refugee) immigrants in both countries has not yet been fully studied in this context. The situation also creates interesting carrier prospects for academics who wish to study the problem of gender in such clearly unballanced societies. greetings, trevor --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are subscribed to the English language version of LIFESCIENCE To unsubscribe the English language version send mail to lifescience-en-request@aec.at (message text 'unsubscribe') Send contributions to lifescience@aec.at --------------------------------------------------------------------------