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Main IndexLIFESCIENCE: Re: Lifescience is in evolution?
--------------------------------------------------------- ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 99 LIFESCIENCE Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09 http://www.aec.at/lifescience --------------------------------------------------------- Christian Kasperle schrieb: > Greetings > I have been quietly lurking in on the discussion and various opinions that have been uttered. so that is exactly the point you were just lurking nothing else this is not enough to participate! > Some information disseminated has been interesting and occasionally new. > oh thank you > Most however has belonged to the set of utterances that seem to emminate from the old necessity of academics to climb over each other for the benefit of massaging their status and sometimes even their ego. it is always the same but here non academic and academic views are welcome if they are not just flaming! so were is yours? > I am deeply concerned that this lifescience net-forum is dying in the colloquial "arse". that is a pity that you think so but you are able to unsubscribe you do not have to read the messages then if they are that terrible > I suggest that the following is considered. > 1: Aesthetics and art are highly overated and it seems more pertinant to concentrate on the actual scientific data and conceptual developments that the lucid minds of science fiction and science actual are dealing with. so then tell us about the position of science fiction examples? > 2: I am amused to see that many of the so called artistic opinions fall very short of any art that I know (I might add that I have been an artistic professional for many years and I do not need to go back to art school square one). If indeed the arts have a part to play, which is not a given, then they must begin to produce product and not be left in the hands of the very easy academic - come art thought factory people. that is the fault if you are a self-declared artist you are always trapped in the art system there is no way out of that. > That is the realm of the science fiction artist and they seem to be able to do a far better job of managing the data for their "creative" activities. this might be true > 3: I would like to say that I am feeling certain "anger" towards many of the participants and it is a response to what I have read. This implies that although I can not pinpoint the reasons I do have a feeling for it. you may not critizise in general > It appears that subliminal messsages are sent by all contributors and the single most dominant one seems to feel like "academic wanking" which in itself is a virus that seems to collect in the critical mass and then becomes the standard by which the symposium evolves. Language is also a virus! > I am contributing to the virus but I am doing so to see if I can maybe expose it and then maybe some one out there with greater skills than I can erradicate it for the benefit of the symposium et all. > 4: Should these comments offend or upset any one out there then that is as it is. But if I neglect to respond to the anger felt I would be assuming a robotic AI and I can assure you all that without a shadow of a doubt that I am a human with spirit and with a deep sense of self and universe. This would be the time to slide back on to my yacht, sail quietly into a sunset on a tropical Barrier Reef Cay and contemplate further my navel. A reality perception that I can highly recommend. so now you have had your carthatic relief against all members on list now lets get on with the discussion, anger is productive if you try and tell us about art and your position how would you as an science fiction artist with lifescience? regards birgit richard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are subscribed to the English language version of LIFESCIENCE To unsubscribe the English language version send mail to lifescience-en-request@aec.at (message text 'unsubscribe') Send contributions to lifescience@aec.at --------------------------------------------------------------------------