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Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
On 16-Jun-99, Prof. Dr. Birgit Richard wrote:
>Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

>Trevor schrieb:

>> WOW! Are we really back in the Middle Ages?

> no we are not we may mix art and science in the case of lifescience but we
> will have to take a look to which system that piece of "art" if it is
> something like transgenic art will belong.

Surely it must be clear that I am not AGAINST definitions and categories, or
"logical" operations involving them -how else are we to seriously concider the
acceptance or rejection of (for example) "transgenetic art"?

My remark was refering to the way the discussion was terminated -not on the
basis of argument -but on the "authority" (sic) of an "author" (however
respectable they may be). Surely it is the triumph of "logic", "discussion"
and "observation" over the authority of ancient texts which has liberated us
from "medieval dogmatism". 

> It may change system from art to
> science perhaps commercialized than it is no longer art and if it stays
> the art system it will have no direct influence on society!

I agree with Lubica Lachinova -it is not the task of art to have DIRECT
influence (in a practical sense) on society -just as I believe it not the task
of science to have a DIRECT influence.

If art has NO influence on society -then that is surely the fault of artists
who have rejected all definitions, constraints or criteria for their work
-thus reducing art to the level of a religious sect which is only relevant to
those who already believe in it -or earn their living from it.

If there is no space between "Theory" and "Practice" -between "Contemplation"
and "Action" then (especially in an interconnected world) we can expect
nothing more than a continuing sequence of disasters caused by "fools rushing
in where angels fear to tread".

Is this a forum to discuss "Lifescience" or to sell "transgentic art"?

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