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Re: LIFESCIENCE: lifescience

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
This is a repsonse tothe below ,, i think from trevor..

   there areevarieties of perceptions,, the old sufi elephnat metaphor..
but LIfe not science dictates as to what will be percieved,, and life also
shuts down (on most occasions) the past perceptional perspective.. so when
youcan see the sphere from the circle.. maybe the circle is not graspable
anymore.. just as we can't "remember " the function of our organs,, thwey
are there ,, but our perceptional evolution has made us "forget" any
immediate conscious relation..

  see lovecraft,, color out of spcae,, etc etc..

   science cannot open these doors of perception,, or can't yet ,,outside of
negligible perceptual shifts,, life does...  

   will science.. bioengineering,,  change this??

"That is the reason I added the comments which followed, because it often
depends on context, interpretation and "focus" how "similar" or "different"
things are. This is something which our "semantically" orientated culture
is not very good at dealing with -the question of how "significant" is a
difference. i.e. The "shortest distance between two points is a straight
line" -there is one straight line between any two points on a flat surface,
but on a circle there may be one, two or an infinite number of "shortest
distances" (straight lines) between two points depending on which two points
one choses. So -a "straight line" on a flat surface (if one could find one)
is conciderably different to a "straight line" on a curved surface (like
the earth -where a "straight line" may be a circle) -and yet it remains
simply a "straight line on another surface" -and therefore (by implication)
the same.""

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