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Main IndexLIFESCIENCE: Translating Extreme Geek Speak - i-biology
--------------------------------------------------------- ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 99 LIFESCIENCE Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09 http://www.aec.at/lifescience --------------------------------------------------------- Translating Extreme Geek Speak by Kristen Philipkoski http://www.wired.com/news/news/technology/story/20395.html 3:00 a.m. 24.Jun.99.PDT For medical researchers facing an unprecedented glut of information, a new approach aims to help them sift through the mess. "Science is generating data faster than anybody can possibly figure out what to do with it," said Mark Musen, associate professor of medicine and computer science at Stanford and head of Stanford Medical Informatics. "Access is not a problem as much as integrating and interpreting." Lion Bioscience AG, of Heidelberg, Germany, has developed BioScout, a new software platform that produces what it calls i-biology. Read ongoing Med-Tech coverage Is it just a catchy buzzword? Bayer AG doesn't think so. The German pharmaceutical company on Thursday announced a five-year, US$100 million contract for Lion's i-biology services. "Two technology revolutions will dominate industrialized societies into the new millennium: genomics and bioinformatics," said Friedrich von Bohlen, Lion's CEO. "I-biology merges the second with the third." "Bioinformatics is mainly the use of software from experts to experts.... You need it, but for discovery and research you need other software tools," Bohlen said. BioScout is a much-needed solution to the bottleneck. The software integrates data from as many different databases as a user wants, then helps the scientists interpret it. The software can also help companies find databases relevant to the research. Companies often have too many software programs to use the data they need, Bohlen said. "If we go into life-science companies, we find up to 70 packages; that means 70 kingdoms. When Europe had 70 kingdoms, it was a very unhappy time in history. Then democracy came up and we integrated." Lion's answer to life sciences democracy is i-biology. Musen said there are other platforms aiming to do the same thing. For example, Object-Protocol Model was developed by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and BioKleisli came out of the National University of Singapore and the University of Pennsylvania. Neither of them have the corporate financial backing and high-profile exposure that Lion has achieved with its deal with Bayer, however. Bohlen said the i-biology platform will come in handy for many companies, possibly including Celera, a competitor in the race to sequence the human genome. "It's interesting that Celera recently announced a partnership with Compaq. Who will write the software? Celera has the data, Compaq has the hardware. Actually, that is a natural-born situation for us," Bohlen said. "The intelligent part is missing. Data management, that's where intelligence comes from." Ultimately, Bohlen said, the BioScout platform will change the face of health care. "I believe we will move forward to more individualized diagnosis and treatment. To do that in an intelligent way, you need to know how to get information from phenotype and genotype correlations, which can lead to certain predictions: i.e., take this drug instead of another. It's a natural step." --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are subscribed to the English language version of LIFESCIENCE To unsubscribe the English language version send mail to lifescience-en-request@aec.at (message text 'unsubscribe') Send contributions to lifescience@aec.at --------------------------------------------------------------------------