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LIFESCIENCE: on the raft

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
so ..  i've been comtmeplatting LIFESCIENCE...

   And a long comes a clip that says sony is developing a "lifelike bio
skin" that will be implemted on its next generation of robot dog..  The
"skin" will need to be fed,,, adding a new level of tamagotchi like
resposiblities to this new "toy"...

     The futurer of interaction will be the leap off the screen.. the golden
age of the much awaited alchemical humunculi... small creatures that will
surround us,, tug at our pantslegs and guide us..  these will be created,,,
have been cretaed but will manifect soon... the disney pet humunculi,,
mickey..  a small elf that will,,, whta???  atke rectal temperatures...

    and much much more

   a disapointment that this list has gone nowhere.. where it's subject
leads to topics that are lush with possibilities... or do we ,, have we been
so trained by the mediasphere that only consumption is valid and safe..
where creation (and not impersonal abstractions) and creativity is shunned
,,as it offers the creator to criticisms by imagined peers and superiors...
and most seem to afraid that these criticisms will hurt there much
artificially constructed egoes and facades..

    the question might be,,, who's still on the raft..

    and who has slid off,, unwilling to take a stand??



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