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Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
i agree w/ mary's comments here - and perhaps one problem is simply
over-saturation w/ too many possible threads - in this & other like
contexts i find that the problem isn't that there's nothing to talk
about but that beyond an initial discussion of issues, anxieties, and
dismissals, there's no consensus on where to go w/ a given topic (be it
cloning or transgenic art or defining "lifescience").

which is why it would be wonderful if there were some statements or
utterings from those working more w/in the sciences, so as to at least
create a more heterogeneous dialogue -

judging from the many media reports regarding new developments in the
lifesciences the public is being well-trained to facilitate anxieties
over big science - so if we have no problem worrying or being
reactionary or being critical, one big question is whether a politics of
lifescience is even possible, if dialogue can be instrumental in
effecting local changes, if some form of cultural activism is effective,
or if we are resigned to at most respond to or mirror a lifescience that
is always several steps ahead...


speer wrote:
>    a disapointment that this list has gone nowhere.. where it's subject
> leads to topics that are lush with possibilities... or do we ,, have we been
> so trained by the mediasphere that only consumption is valid and safe..
> where creation (and not impersonal abstractions) and creativity is shunned
> ,,as it offers the creator to criticisms by imagined peers and superiors...
> and most seem to afraid that these criticisms will hurt there much
> artificially constructed egoes and facades..
>     the question might be,,, who's still on the raft..
>     and who has slid off,, unwilling to take a stand??

]]]] bioinformatic bodies ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] _
]]]]]]]]]]]]] http://gsa.rutgers.edu/maldoror/index.html
]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] _ ]]]]]] ftp_formless_anatomy ]]]]]]]]
http://www.formless.org ]]]]]]]] _ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
maldoror@eden.rutgers.edu ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] _ ]]]]]]]]]]]] _
]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] _ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] _
]]]]]]]]]]] Fake_Life Platform ]]]]
http://web.t0.or.at/fakeshop/fake_life.html ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]] _ ]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
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