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Re: LIFESCIENCE: poor vision

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
On 20-Jul-99, PROFRICHAR@aol.com wrote:
>Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
>In einer eMail vom 20.07.99 00:36:06 MEZ, schreiben Sie:

><< Thema: re: LIFESCIENCE: poor vision
> Datum:20.07.99 00:36:06 MEZ
> From:Lubica=Lacinova%IPT%MRI@vines.ipt.med.tu-muenchen.de
> Sender:owner-lifescience-en@aec.at
> Reply-to:lifescience@aec.at
> To:lifescience@aec.at
> I am afraid this would somehow miss the point. 

>that was fully intentional.

I'm afraid the point of deliberately missing the point rather escapes me.

>I am afraid it damages  the cause - happening with sheeps could be very 
>easily laughed out. And it  would add an argument in favor of cloning: "see, 
>no serious arguments could 
> be raised, just childish games".
>- so this is your point of view if this would be an experimental action there

>would be further imformations about this performance that would be able to 
>raise a bunch of important questions.

I would have thought this list has already proved that there is little point
in trying to start a discussion or to raise questions if nobody is willing or
able to weave them into something worthwhile.

> Further, time to discuss cloned sheep is over.

>-sorry i am always a bit out of time.

If we conclude that art/culture has reduced itself to a meaningless and
valueless self-preserving system of economic exchange, then I suppose trying
to keep out of date pseudo-discussions on artificial life-support systems so
they may continue to be sold long after their "use by date" has elapsed, is
about the only possible strategy left.

>maybe but perhaps only the dangerous looking things become interesting, 

Is this a functional basis for a strategy which you actually use as a guiding
principle in your daily life -or is it simply a theoretical, abstract posture
which you adopt in order to create another "controvesy" in order to preserve
the life of a discussion going nowhere?


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