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LIFESCIENCE: Gods and Monsters

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
Referring to speer and trevor messages:=0D
it seems to me that the whole lifescience list is working mostly on the idea =
of the exceptional and the monstrous about the new genetic tools.=0D
Giant hams ( pigs) and giant Salmons. =0D
And referencies to the Bible etc...=0D
This reminds a middle age (millenaristic) end of the century.=0D
And Gods and Monsters created by mad alchimists ( and God's Wrath i presume)=
In this dark atmosphere of the list maybe it would be good to change for A M=
OMENT the point of view.=0D
a) How can we use biogenetics to improve our presence in the ambiance?=0D
b) All the tools of modern medecine have "already changed us". What next?=0D
Lorenzo Taiuti    =0D
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