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Re: LIFESCIENCE: Gods and Monsters 4

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
I >   won't it be great when we can , or they can (in their procreative
 >narcissism) have women and men ability to impregnate themselves.  from
 >biokits they can buy online from a pharmaceutical sites??

yes if all people are able to get it and to use it. who would be the one to 
define the forms?
if they all are conscious about the fact that they are producing life.

 >a fly sounds as it passes your ear..  think of swarms of bio(mechanical?)
 >flies that carry music near your ears.. or bioengineered "musicians" that
 >can be capable of crteating sounds,, and what that orchestra could look and
 that sounds interesting

 interresting conjunction of thoughts seeing
 "god"  impregnated virgin mary through her ear.  i seem to recall the "word
 was made flesh" and  all thoes paintings of angels blowing trumpets into
 marys delicate shell like ear..
 ( i knew that catholic upbringing would yeild some useful information one 

the catholic patterns put upon our culture are so important, they tell a lot 
about the development of western culture
birgit richard
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