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Re: LIFESCIENCE: Gods and Monsters 4

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09

>   won't it be great when we can , or they can (in their procreative
>narcissism) have women and men ability to impregnate themselves.  from
>biokits they can buy online from a pharmaceutical sites??
>    was thinking about my friend marianne amascher and a converstai0on i had
>with her..  she mentioned that a dream of john cages was to capture the way
>a fly sounds as it passes your ear..  think of swarms of bio(mechanical?)
>flies that carry music near your ears.. or bioengineered "musicians" that
>can be capable of crteating sounds,, and what that orchestra could look and

interresting conjunction of thoughts seeing
"god"  impregnated virgin mary through her ear.  i seem to recall the "word
was made flesh" and  all thoes paintings of angels blowing trumpets into
marys delicate shell like ear..
( i knew that catholic upbringing would yeild some useful information one day)

melinda rackham
_____________ http://www.subtle.net

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