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Main IndexLIFESCIENCE: re: lifescience gender 1
--------------------------------------------------------- ARS ELECTRONICA FESTIVAL 99 LIFESCIENCE Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09 http://www.aec.at/lifescience --------------------------------------------------------- Dear Luba Lacinova >yes that is true you have a choice here. >but the traditional doctors always warn if something happens you are not save >enough at home and they give women an uncomfortable feeling of not having an >allround security. You may not be safe in a hospital, either. that is it. but technological complexes suggest they are safer because of the accumulation of technical stuff. But there are two points: first, there is no perfect security in the nonperfect world. one point towards the lifescience is that they want to make the human being and his environment perfect without any diseases but in an technically not human structured way. they want to cut out the suffering and everything will be perfect and smooth. they will overcome one disease and throught the backdoor there will come a totally new problem that has something to do with the new technology. By requiering complete security we would need ti live in completely artificial environment. Would it be still worth of living? no that is the world an industrial complex wants to sell us. Second, pregnancy and birth are natural processes, they are not disseases. but they are often seen as diseases, a pregnant woman is often treated like she is ill. If they are common now and pregnancy and birth are now "disseases", why did this happen? Why no one asks such a question? i do not know. i think this is a very important question that you raise. perhaps it is like that: if people may have this wonderful artificial world where everything is clean and has nothing to do with a filthy body they do not want to have this bodily thing pregnancy and birth any longer. i read that it is quite chic to have a birth the cesarian way in the USA creating life in a petri dish is a clean and technical thing Quite often, new technology brings problems (or perhaps bettter to say questions) which lie in field of ethics. They can not be answered by better technology, but by clever use of (informational) technology they could be pushed out of the attention of most people. Perhaps, artists should participate in counteracting this attention shift? yes that was exactly the part of the artist i thought of, to raise question, push a topic into the attention of people even if it is quite provocative There are a few NGOs sorry luba, what is NGO? who are trying keep the public attention on this questions. They are only partially capable of bringing answers - to find out, e.g., why the sperm count is decreasing, needs enormous financial and scientific resources. Such resources are available to transnational pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies and to ask such questions is not their interest. I personally would like to see effort of artists community on the side of NGOs rahter than on the side of transnationals. yes raise the questions that is clear but would it be necessary for the artists to be an export for lifesciences Regards, birgit richard --------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are subscribed to the English language version of LIFESCIENCE To unsubscribe the English language version send mail to lifescience-en-request@aec.at (message text 'unsubscribe') Send contributions to lifescience@aec.at --------------------------------------------------------------------------