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re: LIFESCIENCE: Monsters + Genders

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
On Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 5:31:00 pm MEZ,
Eugene Thacker <maldoror@eden.rutgers.edu> wrote:
>(i) Is there a clear nature/technology demarcation in childbirth? 

I am sure you have heard this: if you try to put frog into  hot watter, it 
will jump out immediately. But if you put frog into cold water which you will 
slowly warm up to the boiling point, frog will not escape and will get cooked 

I do not have any opinion regarding at which point warm water became hot 
water. I just want to say, that it is getting quite hot around here!

>(ii) How do
>issues relating to gender emerge in other bioscientific fields? 

I think someone already mentioned that most of experiment on rats were done 
on male rats. This was true also for clinical research: male researchers use 
to take male patients only into investigated groups - they were easier to 
interpret. Only when women started to conduct clinical research, female 
patients were included.

Luba Lacinova
e-dress  lacinova@ipt.med.tu-muenchen.de
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