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Re: LIFESCIENCE: gender 1

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
On Tuesday, August 17, 1999 at 9:15:18 pm MEZ,
 Dear Birgit Richard,
>Would it be necessary for the artists to be experts on lifesciences 
>theoretically or practically
> birgit richard

I do not think so, but many people would like to see it that way. First, they 
will reject your concerns because you are not an expert. Second, they will 
claim that they themselves are experts in particular field but not in ethics 
and therefore can not make any ethical consideration. Of course, an expert in 
ethic is not expert in their field and can not make ethical considerations, 
either. So, here we have Catch XII! 

Public has a right to have an opinion and to ask questions without being an 
expert. Scientist is a bearer of responsibility for what he is doing and 
"responsibility" implicitly contains "response". Science is a way how to 
answer the questions with reasonable accuracy, but not a method how to select 
which questions should be asked.

Particularly in biomedical sciences scientists are acting more and more in 
interests of technological companies which finance their research and are 
becoming more and more specialized. The "big picture" of what if going on 
around us with our world and our values must come from outside - from 
concerned citizens including artists - who may be in a possession of 
particularly good methods to do so.

Luba Lacinova
e-dress  lacinova@ipt.med.tu-muenchen.de
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