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re: LIFESCIENCE: microbes

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
On Sunday, August 29, 1999 at 1:38:32 pm MEZ,
PROFRICHAR@aol.com wrote:
>those of Mr. Al-Fayed, the owner of the London department store Harrods,
>who, according to the May 15, 1999 *Frankfurter Rundschau,* announced that
>he wanted to have 100 clones of himself produced. Identical clones
>presumably will eternally perpetuate one's power 

The problem with this human cloning stuff (or any other commercial offer to 
genetically improve personality traits) is, that it will take about 20 years 
to see the result (i.e., the real personality of constructed mature human 
being). So, most probably, 20 years later we will see, that personality is 
more than just genes and that the promises are not fullfilled. nevertheless, 
during those 20 years market will be that well builded, that it probably will 
not be undonne anymore.

Luba Lacinova
e-dress  lacinova@ipt.med.tu-muenchen.de
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