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Re: LIFESCIENCE: microbes

Linz, Austria, September 04 - 09
Lubica=Lacinova schrieb:

> The problem with this human cloning stuff (or any other commercial offer to
> genetically improve personality traits) is, that it will take about 20 years to
> see the result (i.e., the real personality of constructed mature human being).

it will take much longer because the mature human being will grow up find its
male or female counterpart and there will be a new generation that may have total
new genetic implications.

> So, most probably, 20 years later we will see, that personality is
> more than just genes and that the promises are not fullfilled.

that is for sure, there will be very small improvements in the fields of

> nevertheless,
> during those 20 years market will be that well builded, that it probably will
> not be undonne anymore.

i think this market is already well established because it has its basic
fundament in the pharma and medical complex. you just have to implement another
birgit richard

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