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    read the first statement by Eduardo Kac    







In the technological era the manipulation of life forms has been a regular topic in artworks, especially in literature and film (e.g. The Island of Dr.Moreau). In recent years movies covered a lot of ground from robotics, cyberspace to more recently genetics (see Gattaca and "Dolly, meet Andrew, Uma and Ethan"). Other works include image manipulation or simulation of (not so) future scenarios (see GENOCHOICE)

Is art that deals with life science a specific art form?


future directions

There is a tendency among artists to not only deal with genetics in a different medium but use the medium of molecular biology, the genes, in their artworks. This makes genetic art (see Transgenic Art) a pragmatic as well as a theoretical and aesthetic challenge.

Are there any possible criteria for an art which could be called "genetic art"?
Are there any a priori reasons why an artist could/should not manipulate genetic material?