weapons have been in use for quite some time. They are infamous
for being invisible and terrible means of destruction of life. With
the advent of modern genetics even more sophisticated bioweapons
are imaginable; even more dangerous, new possibilities for bioterrorism
and biowar arise. However the recent paranoia is already supposed
to be more of a hype than adequate to the real threat (Bioterrorism
Panic Rises, But Is It Truly Justified?). What is the state
supposed to do about that?
on Biological Weapons (by Georg Schöfbänker)
part 1
. part 2
. new articles on Biowar
. Threat
of "Bioterrorism" becomes strategic issues in NATO's nuclear planning
Is the fear of bioterrorism exaggerated given the statistical data?
Is public paranoica being used as a legitimation of further research?
there be regulations to restrict exportation of genetic technology
to certain countries?