Personen & Projekte



Earth core laboratory and elf-scan (CyberArts 2003)
Earth core laboratory and elf-scan (Prix Ars Electronica Exhibition)
Edit:MountainView (CODE Campus)
Eine Welt der Wahrheiten (Ars Electronica Center Exhibition)
electrolobby (electrolobby)
electrolobby - Artists do it first (electrolobby - media ad hoc)
electrolobby - kitchen (05_electrolobby - TransIT Room)
electrolobby - Kitchen (electrolobby - media ad hoc)
electrolobby - TransIT Room (05_electrolobby - TransIT Room)
electrolobby Kitchen (electrolobby)
electrolobby Kitchen (electrolobby)
electrolobby Kitchen (Conferences)
electrolobby: showroom for digital culture & lifestyle (03 electrolobby - Showroom for digital culture and lifestyle)
Electronic Theater (04 Prix Ars Electronica 2001)
Electronic Theatre (Concerts, Events und Performances)
Electronic Theatre (Events)
Electronic Theatre (Events)
Electronic Theatre (Events, Concerts & Performances)
Electronic Theatre- (04 Concerts, Events & Performances)
Electronic Theatre-- (04 Concerts, Events & Performances)
Elevated Space (Ars Electronica Center Exhibition)
Elf - Electronic Life Forms (Hybrid Creatures and Paradox Machines)
Embrace the Swarm (07 Ars Electronica Center Exhibition)
Embrace the Swarm- (07 Ars Electronica Center Exhibition)
Encoded Music (CODE Arena)
Energy Solution / Water Resources (15 Weltkarten - Change the Map)
Engineers of Experience - Who’s got it right? (Timetable)
Epigenetic Painting (CODE Exhibition)
Eröffnungsparty / Opening Party (10 Openings)
Evening Lecture: "Group Dynamics at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station" (Language of Networks)
Experiments in Touching Color (07 Cyberarts 2000)