Ars Electronica 1998
Festival-Website 1998
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Atlas Linz

'Isabella Bordoni Isabella Bordoni / 'Enrico Marchesin Enrico Marchesin / 'Roberto Paci Dalò Roberto Paci Dalò

a mobile piece for public transportation and radio

ORF Kunstradio
A vaste archive of sounds, pictures and texts, following a multidisciplinary approach. An analysys of the soundscape of the city. An investigation on sound in the context of urban contemporary life, made out of architectural and historical parameters, and also by collecting visual materials from the city's archives.

Totally dedicated to Linz, it will be composed of more than 200 audio files; for each file or series of files with additional information such as: description of the place/places, time of day/night when the recording was taken, type of sound … with diagrams, maps, etc.

ATLAS LINZ operates as a site for scientific consultation (city planners, architects, sound designers, historicians …), and it will also function for recreational purposes. Meantime, it suggests a theoretical reflection and discussion on the topic of city and citizen – in transit or permanent – as a joint subject of the 'polis'.

In this way it is possible to discuss the idea of the 'polis' as a territory open to be explored, to be used by people passing by or living there on a permanent base.
The various sounds are collected and organized according to the three following cathegories: historical, urbanistic, biographical.

The main historical sources are the Audiovisual Archives of the town, the ORF, other centres of documentation. The urbanistic aspect are developed through a series of acoustical measurements taken several times a day, in public areas/places: working places, industrial areas, urban and extra-urban areas with intense traffic (also river and railway), as well as places dealing with public services … in order to obtain an acoustical 'monitoring' of the city understood as an urban, environmental, human territory.

The biographical aspect, finally, made up utilizing private family archives and contemporary documentation, will give a feeling of private/individual life in public spaces.
In the web page will appear the picture of the place (building, open space …), its position and role in the town, the time, light and weather condition of the moment of recording, the sounds with relative diagramms, and so on. And beside the sounds gathered through the various measurements, there will be access to historical 'public' sounds and 'private' ones.

ATLAS LINZ generates its expanded project: ATLANTI INVISIBILI where materials coming from several cities gather together in one. A city where not only cultures and people are together – like everywhere in Europe today – but also sounds, geographies, natural elements, conflicts. The different environments become sections/parts of this place created through digital technology. ATLANTI INVISIBILI uses as a presentation space both the tramway and radio broadcasting.

Atlas Linz is a commissioned work of Europäischer Kulturmonat Linz September 1998