Ars Electronica 1998
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Noto Photo O-Ton

'Christian Helbock Christian Helbock

  1. to make distinguishable
    to characterize
    to name
    to write
    (2.) to notice
    >> to record

  2. to perceive
    to observe
    >> to see
    to allude to someone:
    se indoluisse notatam
    >> to investigate
    to decide

a) Process for the construction of plan view and elevation view images from photographs of objects;
b) in metrology and cartography, the process of creating a map from a photograph of a geographical area.

NOTO uses television as formal camouflage and employs the medium’s symbolic mode of functioning. The label launched as NOTO installs camera and microphone – insignias of a broadcasting company – as a real fiction in public space, though they themselves denote the commonly-understood conception of the medialization of the public sphere. NOTO thus camouflages itself before the backdrop of an actual television reality – though without totally dissolving into it.
The questions "Are you for or against Austria joining NATO? Why are you for or against Austria joining NATO?" have been conceived as a case study in treating a political issue and a way to familiarize individuals and segments of the population with it. The objective is to register a social opinion and to document it in the temporal sequence of the political/medial discourse.
QUOTE: If you want someone who is not powerfully eloquent to succeed in speaking his mind – and that person very often has quite extraordinary things to say, things that those who usually do the most talking could not even conceive of – then you have to offer him support when he speaks up. To express this in rather more noble terms, I would say: this is the Socratic task in its purest form. The point is to make oneself available to someone who has something important to say, to make the effort to know what that person has to say and what he thinks; the point is to help him express it.

RECORDED INTERVIEW: I’m against all of these global alliances. It’s an illusion to think that things can remain that way. But you can’t do anything about it, let’s face it. It will doubtlessly turn out differently than the way it was envisioned. But it can’t be stopped. At some point in the future, everything will be ruled from one side. There’ll come a day when one nation will control everything. Right now, that’s America.

I served during the Second World War. Women and children weren’t spared, neither were old people. On the front, fewer lives were lost, fewer men died, than here in the cities. I can say with total conviction that I’m against everything that has to do with war and fighting and soldiering. Human beings are not indentured servants of the state who have to play soldier with their lives.
The process of surveying the general public through interviews was conducted on a broad scale, but the classification of the respective groups was subject to poeticarbitrary criteria. Work is currently underway to produce approximately 20 videotapes, ordered according to the letters of the alphabet and a chronological numerical sequence. The first installment, recorded in downtown Vienna, is designated C 1 (City, Vol. 1). Additional installments, including D 2 (Diagonale, an Austrian film festival, Vol. 2) and V 3 (Vernichtungskrieg, an exhibition about war crimes committed by the Wehrmacht in the USSR and Serbia, Vol. 3,) were recorded in Graz and Salzburg. The interviews were conducted in all nine Austrian provinces, in urban as well as rural areas.
RECORDED INTERVIEW: Actually, these experts who have studied these matters really ought to release an authoritative opinion that the people somehow accept. If you talk to the people, some of them say no and others say yes. If it were so simple that every single citizen here would give his expert opinion, then there would be no end to it. Someone has to come forward and say: that is necessary, we definitely need that, or we don’t need it, or we need it in another form.

QUOTE: Today, the public image has replaced the public space in which social communication formerly took place; the function of streets and market squares has been taken over by picture screens and electronic displays.
NOTO is likewise an attempt to establish a dynamic relation between public image and public space. The reception equipment can be installed under the banner of a TV broadcasting company. Opinion polling is the means to establish the preconditions for collecting a wide variety of personal statements – particles of reality. Over the course of time, "social radiation" can be read from this collection of images.
RECORDED INTERVIEW: I believe it’s necessary to carry on a discussion of what kind of security Austria needs. How can this security be organized? Whether this means joining NATO is a totally different question. First, the fundamental issues have to be discussed. What threats are we faced by, and how is it possible to counter them in this day and age? How can we go about preventing these threats from growing more potent? I believe that NATO is perhaps the least appropriate means. But this is something that definitely deserves to be discussed, and this is unfortunately not taking place.
The diametrical opposite of collecting opinions on social issues and establishing the foundation of a public debate is the scattering of information by the media. The commentary on a photograph from World War I deals with a type of scattering:
QUOTE: Site of the explosion of eight artillery shells (1916). The craters are measured. It is an artillery range, not the real thing. The shells that caused the craters contained several billion previously living, then – as an artillery shell – dead, and now destroyed labor; those who produced the gunpowder, the iron, the cannons, the art of warfare, the individual steps that led to war, were each represented by one particle in the shell, their actual relations are scattered and are measured as a crater.

RECORDED INTERVIEW: I would vote against joining NATO if a referendum were held today. This matter is still much in need of clarification, and it would be desirable for the political parties to show a bit more responsibility and not to argue so polemically. There has to be a place for a rational political solution that transcends the quarreling among the parties.
As the effort is carried on, from interview to interview, from place to place and from month to month, the precision of this "social photogram" increases. At the same time, though, what emerges is something like an Austrian road movie – a political Heimatfilm (a sentimental film in an idealized regional setting), so to speak – that documents certain aspects of the discussions and conflicts surrounding this issue.
RECORDED INTERVIEW: The first thing the politicians ought to do is to figure out what can be done, what can be accomplished. And then, in my opinion, they shouldn’t go about this alone, that’s just throwing money out the window, you can be sure of that. They should first inform the population with all the necessary facts and then hold a plebiscite. And it’s the exact same thing with the Euro. Just look at what’s being presented on TV; that has absolutely no credibility. You really have to admit that they haven’t done a very good job presenting that.

And it was the same thing with joining the EU. This was known for three years and nothing was done about it. The train’s leaving the station and we’ve got to get on board. I mean, we’re not on the level of Mickey Mouse here. That was really bad, let’s be honest with ourselves. They went about this practically as if the population – that is, we, the people – were not quite mature enough: only in this way are they capable of getting it.

A video recorder and a monitor, as well as a more-or-less public space as the presentation venue, are necessary for the showing of the NOTO program. This venue is conceived of as, for example, office, event or meeting spaces of various kinds of groups, installations or information tables in pedestrian areas, shop display windows (with exterior loud speakers), art clubs, galleries, cultural and youth centers, etc. Thus, use is made of existing infrastructure in the respective provinces. The medium is designed to be shifted from passive tele-vision to active tele-doing.