Ars Electronica 1994
Festival-Program 1994
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Festival 1979-2007



'Monique Mulder Monique Mulder / 'Dirk Lüsebrink Dirk Lüsebrink / 'Gideon May Gideon May

We will see if we can handle various vanishing points in perspective or, if the complexity increases, we will lose control in chaos. The routes in our thinking concept always create several possibilities from one material fact. The perception we have of a point in space and time will undergo a deformation because of our movement in space and time. This will lead us to an unexpected new starting point.

The best understandable example is that one can see several different perspectives from one viewing point. In principle this implies the openness of which mankind and nature is capable. The degree of tolerance with which we handle our surroundings is in direct relation to our behaviour in space and time. This gives us an unlimited reality in our perception and this appears also in our surroundings. Focussing creates limits. By focussing, the perspectives that are not chosen will deform or will undergo a metamorphosis in the direction of the chosen focus. So it looks as if there is a coherent connection between the unconnected diversities. The consequence of our choice suggests the possibility of the existence of another world at the same moment in time, which we are not able to perceive. Out of this follows that we constantly have to adjust our perception-tolerance.

The tolerance of our perception that we give to the perspective of our choice should be adjusted during our transformation in time and space, because the expected view at the moment of arrival, by the change of time, will result in another perspective view. The elements force one to adjust one’s perception to give way to the unexpected.

Our thoughts give us the possibility to become choked in the detail and also to discover the magnitude of the detail. This drives us away from the quintessence.
The sketched installation sets the viewers in a feedback loop with the given database of the perceptive spaces. The interaction loop starts with the grabbing of video frames of the exhibition room. In the video frames the viewer with the candle is detected. That position information is then combined with the applications knowledge about knowledge of the current position of the virtual camera in the perspective space to calculate the new virtual camera position. Because of that, the translation of the viewer activities becomes a nonlinear one. One meter in real space can be translated to one millimeter or 10 meters in the perspective space depending on the actual virtual position in the perspective space. Furthermore, the geometry of the database is going to change depending on the viewers’ activities. New rooms will open up from 2D pictures to 3D spaces and others will disappear. This goes beyond a straightforward navigation in a 3D space, because the space is changing and the mapping from real to virtual space is nonlinear.

Thanks for support:
– ART+COM, Berlin, D
– MATTMO, Den Haag, NL
– Philips Interactive Media, D, European Labels Manager: Mike Freni
– SOFTIMAGE, Marc Petit