ORF Oberösterreich
Statement of the World Wide Web Jury
The Category of World Wide Web was awarded at the Prix Ars Electronica Competition 95 for the first time.
The jury decided to give the Golden Nica to "Idea Futures". Although not formally entered among the contestants, the jury felt compelled to propose "Idea Futures" (IF) for the first prize, because it fulfilled all the criteria: webness, distributed presence, community forming and supporting, powerful metaphorical value, and creation of sustainable virtual entities.
The artistic content of "IF" may not be evident at first sight, but it is a model of a self-organizing, real time collective thinking and information processing system. It deals with our collective creative power which is one of the best areas of creativity there is. "IF" is a working model for our future, where all scientific claims and artistic projects are treated as futures on the mercantile exchange system. Users buy and sell futures on these ideas. This is a new model for funding ventures and research programs. Like e-money but with much more complexity, this site is the best collective forward thinking process the jury has encountered on the Web.
The jury decided to give the two prizes to "Ringo++" and "t0 Public Netbase".
"Ringo++" is one of the most interesting social experiments that is available to anybody who accesses the Web. A model of your musical taste, based on the preselection of your favorite artists, allows "Ringo++" to suggest other artists you may enjoy or wish to avoid. The system compares your model with those of other users with whom you can then communicate on the basis of shared musical interest; complex profiles of group tastes can be compiled and featured on-line.
"t0 Public Netbase": The importance of netzines as a category cannot be overestimated. However the criteria for differentiating between simple magazines on-line and truly web-like varieties must include user input coupled with a self-organizing database that works either on the chatline or the conference basis. "Public Netbase" was selected for three reasons: 1. It was closer to the arts than a netzine like "HotWired", for example.
2. It was more interactive than "Tightrope".
3. Thanks to its hypermail concept allowing users to send linked input using ordinary e-mail protocols, it was conceptually closer to the heart than anything else we had seen in the zine world.
We decided to compose a "blurb" for each Honorary Mention in order to better describe its category. Here are the twelve honorary mentions:
1. Self Server: "Station Rose Homepage"
2. Watchdog: "The File Room"
3. Community Resources: "OTIS"
4. Experimental Gallery: "Face To Face"
5. Netzine: "HotWired"
6. Device: "Snowball Camera"
7. Sensors: "Current Weather Maps"
8. Homepage/Display: "aMAZEmg Web"
p. Mindware: "Digital Art Endeavors"
10. Best adaptive response to the market: "DigiCash"
n. Virtual Id/Entity creation: "KaspaH's Home"
12. Most likely to be censored page: "Mircosoft Hate Page".