
Prix Ars Electronica Archive

Barr-Watson, Pete (UK) Statement of the Net Vision / Net Excellence Jury 2002
  Statement of the Net Vision / Net Excellence Jury 2001
Barrière, Jean-Baptiste (FR) Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1998
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1990
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1989
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1988
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1987
Benayoun, Maurice (FR) Statement of the Computer Animation / Visual Effects Jury 1999
  Statement of the Computer Animation / Visual Effects Jury 1998
Black, Samuel (US) Statement of the Computer Animation/Visual Effects Jury 2005
Blair, David (US) Statement of the World Wide Web Jury 1996
Blau, Brian (US) Statement of the .net Jury 2000
  Statement of the Interactive Art Jury 1999
Blectum, Blevin (US) Statement of the Digital Musics Jury 2002
Bodin, Lars-Gunnar (SE) Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1995
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1994
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1993
Bognermayr, Hubert (AT) Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1989
  Statement of the Computer Animation Jury 1988
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1988
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1987
Bouhalassa, Ned (US) Statement of the Digital Musics Jury 2001
Boyd, Danah (US) Statement of the Digital Communities Jury 2005
Branscomb, Harvie (US) Statement of the Interactive Art Jury 1996
Breitsameter, Sabine (DE) Statement of the Digital Musics Jury 2008
Brody, Florian (AT) Statement of the Interactive Art Jury 1993
Broeckmann, Andreas (DE) Statement of the .net Jury 1998
Brümmer, Ludger (DE) Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1997
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1995
Burger, Wilhelm (AT) Statement of the [the next idea] Art and Technology Grant Jury 2006
  Statement of the [the next idea] Art- and Technology Grant Jury 2005
  Statement of the [the next idea] Art- and Technology Grant Jury 2004
Burton, Ed (UK) Statement of the Net Vision Jury 2005
  Statement of the Net Vision Jury 2004
  Statement of the Net Vision / Net Excellence Jury 2003
Buxton, William (CA) (UK) Statement of the Computeranimation / Visual Effects Jury 2002
  Statement of the Interactive Art Jury 1991
  Statement of the Interactive Art Jury 1990
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1989
  Statement of the Computer Music Jury 1988