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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Fractal Pop - dedicated to Andy Warhol
Jeff Brice

For "Fractal Pop - dedicated to Andy Warhol", Jeff Brice was awarded a Honorary Mention by the Prix Ars Electronica Jury.
"Law of nature' a superstition. -When you speak so rapturously of a conformity to law in nature you must either assume that all natural things freely obey laws they themselves have imposed upon themselves - in which case you are admiring the morality of nature - or you are entranced by the idea of a creative mechanic who has made the most ingenious clock, with living creatures upon it as decorations. - Necessity in nature becomes more human and a last refuge of mythological dreaming through the expressions 'conformity to law'". (Friedrich Nietzsche)

It seems important that artist of today look at a soda can and see the effects of simulated light upon a reflective surface, or the effects of weather, the fractal patterns of erosion, the technological pixelation of color enhancement, the transformation of meaning through scale, the analysis of the everyday into meaningful significance. It was less than twenty years ago that Andy Warhol looked at the same can and saw the symbolic content of consumerism and mass reproduction. Well that is what my work is about; the changing role of the artist in the world, or is it the changing role of the object in the world? (J. Brice)