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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Stefan Zeyen

"Akt/Nude" is a work in progress. The resulting work is a video showing the author in a standing position and revolving constantly around his axis. Its realization started in the context of the Inter Act! exhibition at Wilhelm Lehmbrück Museum in Duisburg. The work was realized with participation from the audience on May 10, 12 and 13, 1997 in the rooms of the museum. At certain times visitors (most of them amateurs in drawing) were asked to realize a drawing of the author. Each drawing session (one full turn in the video) consists of eight people placed at the same distance from one other. Depending on the response from the public, one to three sessions were realized per day. A total of fifty drawings had to be completed. The drawings were digitized and a morph program on the Macintosh platform was used to create the missing frames between the neighboring drawings. For one full turn, four hundred frames were generated out of the original eight drawings. The goal was to update the video after each session and to display it with a video beamer (life size), enabling the participants to watch the result with a minimum of delay. With each session the video grew sixteen seconds to a total length of one minute and fifty six seconds.