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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Figuras Flamencas
Mario Verandi

In this piece the source materials are from sampled flamenco musical extracts and some texts taken from the theatre play "Bodas de Sangre" ("Blood Wedding") by the Spanish writer F. G Lorca. By means of computer processing I have tried to create a surreal parallel sound world out of the recognizable flamenco sound world. The musical discourse flows as a sequence of superimposed and juxtaposed transformations and confrontations between the flamenco sound world and the surreal sound world.

The piece is clearly divided into four sections and attempts to evoke a metaphorical journey across a flamenco dreamland which is "corrupted by undefined sonic creatures". Lorca's duende (in Spanish speaking countries, a kind of goblin which gives inspiration) had to be present in this journey and his texts were the source of inspiration behind the music as well as the core element in the organisation of the musical discourse.
The texts were recited by the young Spanish actors Javier Letran and Conchi Almeria.
"Figuras Flamencas" was composed in the Electroacoustic Music Studios at Birmingham University in 1996.