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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

The File Room
Antonio Muntadas

Antonio Muntadas (E), based in New York and Barcelona since 1971. His artworks take on form in video, multimedia and installation. Artist-in-residence at the Ecole des Beaux Arts (Paris) and Arteleku (San Sebastian, Spain) in 1994. He is currently working on several large scale projects, including an outdoor video installation set to open in Marseille in summer.

"The File Room" utilizes the latest telecommunications technology to document numerous individual cases of censorship around the world and throughout history with an easy-to-use, interactive computer archive.

"The File Room" acts not as an electronic encyclopedia, but as a tool for information exchange and a catalyst for dialogue. Texts and images have disappeared, been removed from view, or banned since the beginning of history.

This project intends to make visible, worldwide, some of these incidents and acts as a source of documentation for new incidents which can be submitted by users online. The project includes cases of censorship in the areas of visual art, music, dance, theatre, performance, literature, electronic media etc. instances of cultural censorship are the suppression of artists' careers; bans on entire media or subject matters at various times in history; self-suppression by those in fear of reprisals; denied or limited access to information on cultural achievements by entire groups or non-inclusion of such information in "authoritative" sources compiled by majority representatives; and new incidents of technological censorship of information and discussion. The continually growing archive has begun as a prototype, to be shaped by ongoing research and by submissions from around the world.