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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

In Corpus
Luc Martinez, Michel Redolfi

Michel Redolfi (F), born 1951 in Marseille, Director of the Centre International de Recherche Musicale (CIRM) in Nice since 1986, co-founder of the Groupe de Musique Experimentale de Marseille (GMEM) in 1968. Luc Martinez (F), born 1962, is working on interactive music systems; he is in charge of the Research Department at CIRM.

The project "In Corpus" is based on a musical interactivity between listeners - floating in zero gravity - and 3D space. Water enables the listeners to move in any direction and pilot music as they wish in a real 3D space. They experience a (con)fusion between Virtual Reality and pure reality as they literally fly through the composition. Their motion interacts with real-time musical instruments, thanks to a set of digital cameras which track every second: each listener's position (underwater camera), group evolution (above the pool camera), and color matching with MIDI zones (all cameras). Each listener-navigator is individualized by the color of the bathing suit or the cap (s)he is wearing. Thus, some navigators are active in certain locations. Some are not; but everyone has the body control of a MIDI parameter and remotely plays on the system.

The resulting music has it's own style and originality for each group of aquanauts. Music in the water travels four time faster than in the air and can be heard only by being in contact with the surface. By entering into the water, participants experience bone conduction listening (direct inner ear resonance). Space locating is completely redefined. Spectra is perceived differently, with a spectacular equalization of low and high ends.