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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Flying Apples
Kui Dong

Kui Dong (USA), born 1967 in Beijing, China. She is currently completing her doctoral degree in composition and computer music at Stanford University. Her compositions and commissioned works include a 3-act ballet for orchestra, one act dance, different combinations of chamber works, and works for electroacoustics and multimedia.

"Flying Apples" concerns an unfinished childhood dream where, with the unlimited imagination of a child, a walk is taken through a colorful and unspoiled world. This algorithmic composition was composed on DMIX, a newly developed software for a Macintosh, at CCRMA, Stanford University. It was programmed with extreme nesting patterns, forming a simple idea which then grows into a complex pattern.

I do not think excessively about tools and techniques while composing. Instead I listen for what best fits my overall concept for the piece of music. Each sound has a color and shape as well, which I am always looking for when I am composing. Purity and sincerity are truths that guide me. In "Flying Apples" I catch the transparent, brilliant stars falling from infinity.