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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

An acoustic reading aid for visually impaired
Christoph Haidinger, Franz Wengler

Since it is almost impossible for the visually impaired to use a conventional electronic device with a display, Franz Wengler and Christoph Haidinger developed an acoustic reading aid for visually impaired. The project can be realized with standard components.

Since it is almost impossible for the visually impaired to use a conventional electronic device with a display, we wanted to find a way to help them do so. Inspired by this thought, we contacted the Upper Austrian Association for the Blind. To assure that our project would fit the needs of the visually impaired, we discussed the problems involved. Due to the wide range of display types, we wanted to find a solution that would give our project universal application.

Since many devices have a display, many of the visually impaired are impeded in their independence both professionally and privately. Through our project they would be given the opportunity to gain footing in the working world. Moreover, they would be in the position to improve their personal independence.
The project can be realized with standard components. These components do not need to be state-of-the-art, a 200 MHz processor is completely adequate. And so it is not a question of price. The project strives to enable the visually impaired to read a display solely with the assistance of a computer. The contents on the display are to be read out over loudspeakers.