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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

Sonic Bed_London
Kaffee Matthews, Annette Works

Sonic Bed_London is a sonic and social experiment exploring our perception of sound. It presents an oversized king-size bed which looks much like a large wooden tank with steps to climb up to get in it. Visitors are invited to remove their shoes and come lie on and enjoy specially composed music vibrating through and moving up and down and around their bodies. Subtle, dynamic, at times beyond hearing, Sonic Bed_London plays music to feel rather than just listen to.

Sonic Bed_London is an instrument, to be used by anyone who is interested (as well as commissioned composers) to come and make pieces for it. To create this music, a specially developed software interface has been built and is now being developed through the Music for Bodies research (www.musicforbodies.net), through which the maker can draw and record sounds through the space of the speakers built into the bed's frame and beneath the mattress. Sonic Bed_London contains a 12 channel sound system, meaning that 12 independent sources of sound can be playing and moving independently at any one time.

I’ve long been interested in the physical experience of music and have made two sonic armchairs which combine the vibrational sensations of music perception with aural to make new compositions. These chairs, with speakers immersed under their upholstery, create situations that transform the listening experience for the sitter.