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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

It's fire, you can touch it
Hiroshi Homura, Yoko Ishii

In this work, when the user's hands are held out, a set of images is projected onto the palms: a scrolling tanka poem and a single Chinese character representing each tanka.

Tanka, meaning short song, is a traditional form of Japanese poetry. It is a short verse of 31 syllables, containing five syllabic units (5-7-5-7-7 syllables).

Tanka is written down as a sequence of letters, ordinarily presented on paper to be read. The impression of a tanka depends more or less on how the reader perceives and interprets it. Thus, it can be said, that a tanka is finalized as a literary work by the reader. Reflecting this idea, we created a new method of reading that can enhance the reader's imagination.

Unlike a flat surface such as paper, a person's palm has volume and texture. When a scrolling tanka is projected onto the bumpy surface of the palm, a tactile sensation is evoked, giving a tangible presence to the image, which in reality has no material substantiality.

By giving a tangible presence to the tanka, we intend to stimulate the imagination of the reader and hope to go deeper into his or her mind.

Hiroshi Homura, Yoko Ishii, NTT Cyber Solution Laboratories