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Prix 1987 - 2007

Ars Electronica Linz & ORF Oberösterreich

muster machen mutig - Project m3
Schülerhort Wilten

With this project children make their presence known in the city. The starting point for this project was that decisions are often made without asking children. Especially when it comes to urban planning and architecture, children hardly ever have a chance to contribute their ideas, express their desires or voice their criticisms. Within the scope of this project, children have an opportunity to draw attention to themselves in their own city via art and architecture. They learn to articulate their ideas and so create a broader basis for discussion between adults and children - according to the motto “Art and architecture are your voice in the city.”

Six-to-twelve-year-olds arouse the curiosity and interest of a city’s residents and passersby. The goal of the project was to help the children develop the following abilities: Creative and aesthetic competence (increasing their visual design skills, crafts), three-dimensional competence (moving from a single plane to a 3D form), environmental competence (getting to know one’s town and its inhabitants better), verbal competence (approaching strangers, socializing), public presence (networking with cooperation partners - schools, architects, artists, companies, politicians, the media), media competence (implementing results on the computer – image processing, visual documentation of interviews), information competence and knowledge skills.
(Text: Karin Juen and her team at the after-school carecenter)