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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Chemical Brothers
Pierre Buffin

This music video was created in honor of the igyo's (caleidoscope and mosaic effects) using in-cam-era effects rather than in-post.This video was shot using two different media, video for the real world and 35 mm for the effects that needed to be created in post-production. Our work was to create a transition and in-between to marry both worlds. Starting with one talent, our challenge was to multiply the talent, or starting with multiple talents and ending with just one. The last image of the dream sequence becomes the first image of the real world and vice versa. Frame after frame,talents and objects have to transform to become the resulting image. The challenging part of the work for the artists was in creating in-between frames.The artists created 23 transitions. Each transition was from 15 to 50 frames long with an average of 30.Technically the challenge was in matching film and video and creating in-between frames on images that were completely different.