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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Zervos Komninos-Kostant

"Cyberpoetry" is the name I gave to the poetry created on my Macintosh Ic630avcd. My goal was to create a poetry that was computer generated, that was moving, that was two and three dimensional and that incorporated voice and sound. It was a poetry that could not be published as a traditional print publication. Whilst it resembled film-making, the text created the images and evoked moods and was always the principle object of every animation and movie.

poetry that can not be published in the traditional print media, poetry that moves in time and space, poetry that requires new ways of reading, poetry that allows interaction, poetry that is moving digital, aural, visual, and animated.
My cyberpoetry, indeed, is not the only "cyberpoetry" in existence. Many fine hypertext poems exist on the net, as well as text animations and combinations of sound, text and image. Randomly generated poems utilizing cgi scripting are adding an opportunity for interactivity with the reader. The Java language is providing new ways of reading poetry.
In 1996 I established a Web presence, developing cyberpoetry for the net and a gallery of cyberpoetry from around the globe. I want the site to be as active as possible, a celebration of words/text/ sounds, entertaining, informative and fun. Hope you enjoy it.