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Prix 1987 - 2007

ORF Oberösterreich

Charles A. Csuri

In his works, Charles A. Csuri is trying to combine cultural history and computer technology. For him a dichotomy between art and science does not exist.

Science continues to uncover new levels of knowledge about the origins of the universe which only deepen the mystery of human existence. There are underlying forces of nature that shape our mythology and our beliefs. The problem for me as an artist is one of integration or synthesis, of a broad range of cultural values. In my art I try to present aspects of human experience in the context of the primeval forces that influence the mystery and magic of the universe. Basically, my role as an artist is to find new ways to use our cultural history, through my experience of computer technology. My approach with the computer leads to some failures, but it is also a wonderful opportunity for the discovery of a reality which represents human values and concerns.

The computer is a doorway into a special universe of possibilities, dreams andrealities, revealing a new way of thinking about the creative process. Thecomputer liberates me from physical realities and offers me greater freedom ofexpression than traditional media. My aesthetic involves the use of specialsoftware-tools, procedures and algorithms that set the constraints and context inwhich I express myself. For me, there is no dichotomy between art and science. Itis my use of such algorithms and the analysis of three dimensional parameterspace, which is the pathway to the emotional content in my work. I exploit thefact that computers can deal with incredible complexity, providing me with newoptions to produce art.

After twenty-five years, the computer is finally my visual instrument, which, asI play it, produces art. My concern is to create a meaningful structure revealingaesthetic content. The art must speak to the non-cognitive perceptions ofhumanity. There must be a shared human experience that reaches the core of ourbeing -some kind of universality using generalised symbols and icons. Thecomputer is a means to an end and this shared human experience involves myth,magic, humour, and at times even the brutal reality of suffering, pain and fear.The challenge is to use computer technology to feed our human spirituality.

Technical Background

HW: Sun Workstation
SW: Custom Software