Stahl Stenslie: Interactive Art Jury Member
Experimental interfaces are the focus of the work of Stahl Stenslie's work, one of the fathers of Cybersex.

Stahl Stenslie (N) is a professor of experimental Media Art at the Media Academy of Cologne. He is known as one of the Fathers of Cybersex after he built the worlds first full-body, tele-tactile communication system in 1993 ("cyberSM"). His mating of man and machine has continued with the semantic god-machine ("erotogod"), currently with the worlds highest multi-sensory resolution. He currently works with cognition and perception manipulative projects, spezializing in multi-sensorial interfaces.

At Prix Ars Electronica 2003, Stahl Stenslie will be member of the Interactive Art Jury. He is looking for visionary projects with a double-edged function as cultural weapons: projects that change the way we see and experience this world - by any media necessary.

Ingrid Fischer

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