
Christiane Paul on the Interactive Art Jury
Interactive and net based art is the focus of Christiane Paul's work, the curator of Artport, Whitney's online portal to Internet art. What fascinates her is the process behind creating digital art – which broadens the context for our understanding of art.

Christiane Paul is the co-founder, publisher and editor-in-chief of Intelligent Agent, a print and on-line magazine on the use of interactive media in arts and education, and the Adjunct Curator of New Media Arts at the Whitney Museum. Since the early 90s, Dr. Paul has been working and lecturing in the field of new media. She is the author of the hypertext Unreal City: A Hypertextual Guide to T.S. Eliot's "The Waste Land" and has written extensively on new media, net art, hypermedia, and hyperfiction. Her articles have been published in magazines such as Intelligent Agent, Sculpture, and Leonardo. She teaches in the BFA and MFA Computer Art Departments at the School of Visual Arts in New York and has lectured internationally on art and technology.

Her first show at the Whitney, "Data Dynamics" (March-June 2001), dealt with the mapping of data and information flow on the Internet and in the museum space. She also curated the Net art selections for the exhibition evo1(Gallery L, Moscow, October 2001); for Fotofest (Houston, Texas, March 2002); and the 2002 Whitney Biennial (March 2002). She is responsible for Artport, the Whitney's online portal to Internet art (http://artport.whitney.org). Most recently, she has curated "CODeDOC", an exhibition of software art looking at software art as a form of artistic practice.

In the Interactive Art Jury of Prix Ars Electronica, Christiane Paul ideally, would like to see art that offers a unique 'view' of a topic in an aesthetically sophisticated way; that pushes the limits when it comes to an understanding of what interactivity is and can be; that doesn't only use technology as a ‘tool’ but forces the medium to reveal its mechanisms as well as its social and aesthetic agenda; that explores the cultural and sociological effects of technology.

Ingrid Fischer

Whitney Artport
© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at