Statement of the Digital Musics Jury

This year's digital music jury was faced with a dilemma: How can digital music be distinguished from any other category of music? Read David Toop's & Naut Humon's Jury Statement.

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Rubber Duck: Golden Nica – u19 freestyle computing

"Rubber Duck" by 18 years old Georg Sochurek tells a tale of woe about a little rubber duck's life in the guise of a modern fable. This highly proficient animation centers around topics like being different, malevolence, suffering and sudden changes of fate.

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Noderunner: Golden Nica / Net Vision

Noderunner developed by Yury Gitman and Carlos J. Gomez de Llarena is a game that transforms a city into a playing field: Two teams running against time must log into as many wireless Internet nodes as they can and submit photographic proof.

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Humphrey II

The dream to fly – within the frame of Ars Electronica 2003 the new version of the popular flying machine in the Ars Electronica Center is presented.

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Astro Twins and Cosmos: Golden Nica / Digital Musics

Ami Yoshida (J) is not only one half of the "Astro Twins"; under the name of "Cosmos" she also appears on the musical stage together with Sachiko M. With her daring performances and her highly individual style, Ami Yoshida wins the Digital Musics Golden Nica for the "Astro Twins" and "Cosmos" double album.

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Messa di Voce

After the audiovisual installations RE:MARK and Hidden Worlds of Noise and Voice Golan Levin and Zach Lieberman once more realize a project focusing on the visualization of sound and voice. Messa di Voce is a concert performance with the vocal artists Joan La Barbara and Jaap Blonk.

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Statement of the Computer Animation / Visual Effects Jury

As never before in the Computer Animation / Visual Effects category, the Prix Ars Electronica Jury saw films that could not be evaluated on a technical basis, but for their ability to tell a story.

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Statement of the Interactive Art Jury

The submissions to this year's Prix Ars Electronica covered a broad area: interactive installations and immersive environments, screen-based work, music projects and performance, as well as interactive systems for display of content in a museum or public setting.

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"The Universal Work of Data" by Richard Kriesche

Das universelle Datenwerk – datenwerk : mensch("The Universal Work of Data – Datawork : Mankind") is the current project of the Austrian artist Richard Kriesche, that will be realized for the CODE Exhibition in the Brucknerhaus. Biogenetic processes and human genetic codes serve as material and elements for the artistic work.

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Can You See Me Now?: Golden Nica / Interactive Art

With the project Can You See Me Now? British artists' group Blast Theory and Mixed Media Lab introduces a modern variation of an old game, which takes place live in the streets. The game incorporates the latest communication technologies and is played simultaneously on line and in the streets.

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1-10  | 11-20  | 21-30  | 31-40  | 41-50  | 51-60  | 61-70  | 71-77  | 
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