

Picture Archiv
  Takeover Symposium
  03 electrolobby - Showroom for digital culture and lifestyle
  08 Prix Ars Electronica 2002
  03 Prix Ars Electronica Forum
Prix Ars Electronica Forum III - Net Vision/Net Excellence

Talks with the prizewinning artists in the Net Vision / Net Excellence categories, immediately followed by presentation of the results of the electrolobby Game-Jam.

Talks with the prizewinning artists in the Net Vision / Net Excellence categories, immediately followed by presentation of the results of the electrolobby Game-Jam.

Ars Electronica Festival

Joshua Davis
Ars Electronica Festival

Neeraj Jhanji
Ars Electronica Festival

Chris McGrail
Ars Electronica Festival

Brian McGrath
Ars Electronica Festival

TNC Network
Ars Electronica Festival

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at