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  11 Projects

An Art Project for the new WIFI Upper Austria Building. An extensive network of analog and digital sensors collects data on events within the building, the activities of its users and the actions of its Internet visitors, and translates them into a dynamic impression of the overall atmosphere. The realization of unitM is an outgrowth of the idea of taking human perception into consideration as an architectural component in the conception of a building. The result is a prototype for an interactive building. Moreover, this project addresses sociopolitically relevant aspects of a high-tech environment such as privacy and surveillance.

Commissioned by: WIFI Oberösterreich; In collaboration with: Architekturbüro Kneidinger

Public Transport Tramway Linie 1 (Universität – Auwiesen), Station: WIFI

An Art Project for the new WIFI Upper Austria Building. An extensive network of analog and digital sensors collects data on events within the building, the activities of its users and the actions of its Internet visitors, and translates them into a dynamic impression of the overall atmosphere. The realization of unitM is an outgrowth of the idea of taking human perception into consideration as an architectural component in the conception of a building. The result is a prototype for an interactive building. Moreover, this project addresses sociopolitically relevant aspects of a high-tech environment such as privacy and surveillance.

Commissioned by: WIFI Oberösterreich; In collaboration with: Architekturbüro Kneidinger

Public Transport Tramway Linie 1 (Universität – Auwiesen), Station: WIFI

Ars Electronica Festival

© Ars Electronica Linz GmbH, info@aec.at