
Ars Electronica 2005: Hybrid: Living in Paradox
Ars Electronica 2005: Hybrid: Living in Paradox
Hybrid: Living in Paradox is the theme of the 2005 Ars Electronica Festival.
Digitization and globalization are bringing about worldwide processes of restructuring and intermingling of cultures, identities, disciplines and previously discrete fields, specialities and domains. The rapid ongoing abrogation of boundaries and fusions in art, technology and society will occupy the focal point of the 2005 Ars Electronica Festival.
For inquiries, please contact:
Mag. Wolfgang A. Bednarzek MAS Pressesprecher / Press Officer
tel: +43.732.7272-38 mob: +43.664.81 26 156 mailto:wolfgang.bednarzek@aec.at